Wednesday 12th November 2014

With mild conditions and strong south-easterly winds, sea-watching would be the order of the day. And so it proved with a large southerly movement of 2277 Brent geese, along with 92 Shelduck, 60 Wigeon, 93 Teal, with smaller numbers of Mallard, Gadwall, Pintail, Goldeneye and Common Scoter, whilst a Velvet Scoter flew north. Small numbers of waders were also on the move, but the stars of the show were the 2 Pomarine Skuas that flew south mid-morning along with an Arctic Skua and an adult Glaucous Gull. On site, the 2 Snow Buntings are still present, briefly accompanied by a Corn Bunting, and there was a small fall of both Robin and Goldcrest.

26 birds were ringed, these being 19 Robin, 4 Goldcrest, 1 Redwing, 1 Chiffchaff and 1 Wren.