Friday 10th January 2014

Slavonian Grebe going south literally yards off the beach is only the fourth site record with the three previous records all being in mid-November. Unfortunately your blogger was making the tea at the time - not that he's bitter ! Glorious sunshine with the following also noted heading south: 10 Shelduck, 3 Brent, Goldeneye & Guillemot plus heading north: 22 Red-throated Diver & a Brent. 187 Cormorants also headed out to sea this morning. 7 Snow Bunts near the point. Early blog today so it may, or may not, get updated at a later date.

Thursday 9th January 2014

Yet another gale blowing this morning. Heading south 100 Cormorants, 63 Kitts, 65 Dunlin, 60 Golden Plover, 40 Shelduck, 34 Ringed Plover, 25 Knot, 11 Turnstone, 8 Guillemot, 5 Red-throated Diver, 3 Wigeon, 2 Red-breasted Mergs, 2 Oyks, Razorbill & Rock Pipit plus going north 25 Brent, 17 Pintail & 5 Red-throats. Single Great-crested Grebe & Guillemot were offshore in between the waves. An adult Yellow-legged Gull was on the reserve early on and 160 Black-headed Gulls (best count for some time) were by the car park first thing.

Wednesday 8th January 2014

Few bits 'n bobs off interest this morning. Mistle Thrush & Fieldfare were the firsts of the year, Goldfinch numbers were up to 11, 12 Mipits flew towards the point before changing their minds and pitching in and 11 Linnets paid a visit (as they are inclined to do in mild conditions mid-winter). Not what some of you out there may call interesting but considering how devoid of small birds it's been lately it's positively exciting. 7 Snow Bunts still with us & both Little Owls were out in the sunshine. On the move going south 97 Brents, 82 Kitts, 7 Canada Geese, 6 Common Scoter, 3 Shelduck, 2 Wigeon, Teal, Pintail, Oyk & Guillemot plus going north 8 Red-throats. Very mild.

Please note that work has begun on reshaping the back beach from in front of  the View Point car park to the old aggregate yard with heavy machinery. Please keep out of the way of those working.

Tuesday 7th January 2014

Late posting as your blogger & many of the regulars were up the river on a co-ordinated low water count. Female Merlin is a good record for the time of year. 308 Kitts noted amongst a paltry selection of offshore sightings.

Monday 6th January 2014

Sharp showers. On the move going south 372 Kitts, 68 Shelduck, 54 Cormorant, 40 Common Scoter, 36 Red-throated Diver, 14 Wigeon, 9 Brent, 2 Mallard, 2 Dunlin, Great-crested Grebe, Goldeneye, Eider, Knot & Bonxie plus going north 21 Common Scoter, 5 Brent & 3 Red-throated Diver. 2 Guillemots & another Great-crest coming past pitched in to feed. Curlew also heard, but not seen, was possibly flushed off the reserve. Are the Shelduck finally returning to the local estuaries having been to Helgoland to moult last summer ? 7 Snow Bunts still here.

Sunday 5th January 2014

7 Snow Bunting still with us - nowt else to report.