Saturday 22nd February 2014

Glorious sunny morning - no good for looking out to sea, however 24 Brent were noted heading north. A Curlew coming out of the estuary then northbound calling evocatively will be heading back to the breeding grounds. 5 Crows & 2 Skylarks went south overhead - not sure where the crows are going but the Skylarks will be making their way back to the continent having come to the UK for the winter. A new british race Song Thrush was the first of the spring migration. The reserve still typically quiet although a couple of pairs of Ringed Plovers have been around in recent weeks checking out that the place is still here. Finally, 4 Snow Bunting still on the back beach this morning.

Ringing: 1 song thrush

Friday 21st February 2014

7 Pink-footed Geese north is good for us, as following a period of an increase in the number of records, sightings have become fewer again. 33 Barnacles went south in one flock. Also heading south 35 Brent, 3 Oyk, 2 Great-crested Grebe & Shelduck and north bound 9 Brent, 2 Red-throated Diver & a Guillemot. 2 Mipits went south with 2 more back on territory at the north end of the reserve. 2 Long-tailed Tits paid us a visit & a few more Linnets are starting to sing early morning with numbers slowly increasing despite the place still looking like the bleak mid-winter. Just the 4 Snow Buntings noted this morning.

February litter pick

Litter pick this Saturday 22nd February 0930hrs start. Further info on the events page of

Thursday 20th February 2014

Two flocks of Barnacles totalling 132 birds heading north today (some of yesterdays birds heading back from whence they came ?). Also moving heading south 11 Shelduck, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, Red-throated Diver & Oyk plus north bound 11 Brent & 2 Red-throated Diver. A Bonxie put in an appearance through the murk & drizzle offshore and an adult Yellow-legged Gull was on site.

Wednesday 19th February 2014

There off - the start of the Barnacle Goose movements this morning with several groups totalling 176 south prior to 0845ish. Also south bound 41 Brent, 10 Red-throated Diver, 7 Oyk, 5 Shelduck, 4 Wigeon, 3 Teal, 3 Shoveler, 2 Curlew, 2 Kitts, Tufted Duck & Guillemot. Late morning the Black-throated Diver came in from the north & turned right up the river mouth before pitching in. A total of 7 Skylark heading south are probably birds heading back to the continent having wintered in the UK. A new Dunnock ringed this morning is notable for the time off the year as we very rarely ring new birds of this species in February. Finally at least 5 Snow Bunting are still with us.

Ringing: 1 dunnock

Tuesday 18th February 2014

Heading south 15 Red-throated Diver, 8 Kitts, 5 Brent, 4 Shelduck, 4 Curlew, 2 Teal, 2 Goldeneye, 2 Oyk, Fulmar & north bound 5 Red-throats, 4 Brent & Great-crested Grebe. With the calmer conditions and lengthening days the bulk of the Kitts have headed back out to deeper waters & towards the breeding grounds. Land birds heading south were 15 Linnet & 2 Mipits. 7 Snow Bunting still with us and for those Peregrine fans the local pair are spending a lot of time on the old crane next to the view point cafe but, please excuse me if i don't mention them very often, they have become part of the scenery. Also part of the scenery are the Med Gulls some of whom are starting to look resplendent as they acquire their hoods - once again just loiter around the cafe (particularly in the afternoon when numbers build up).

Monday 17th February 2014

Signs of spring were a few passerines moving including south bound 3 Mipits, 2 Skylark & a Rook with 4 Jackdaws heading south then back north again. A Redwing plus Linnet numbers increasing to at least 27 on site are also signs of spring. Offshore heading south 12 Red-throated Diver, 4 Oyks & Brent Goose and heading north 4 Brent, 2 Great-crested Grebe, 2 Guillemot & Bonxie. 6 Turnstone went north along the shore & two pairs of Shoveler were sat on the sea. Finally the 7 Snow Bunting were on the back beach this morning but with the mild conditions and lengthening days it won't be long before they start heading off back north.

Sunday 16th February 2014

Wind abated & the currant bun is out for a change. Next to nothing going past offshore. 7 Snow Bunting are by the board-walk at the point. Worth a mention is Mrs Collared Dove sitting tight on her nest in the Holm Oaks. She's done well to hold on to her nest considering all the strong winds we have had recently.