Saturday 28th June 2014

Nothing much again to report as we await the start of autumn migration to begin in earnest. A few more Whitethroats are beginning to trickle through, and there were 3 Barn Swallows loitering. That was about it apart from 2 Curlew south offshore.

Birds ringed 10. these being 3 Whitethroat, 3 Great Tit, 2 Greenfinch, 1 Linnet and yet another Pied Wagtail.

Friday 27th June 2014

5 Curlew & 2 Tufted Duck went south. Numbers of Curlew heading south so far this month have been very low - hopefully this means they are still on the nesting grounds and there are fewer failed breeders heading south in June this year. A Chiffchaff was today's migrant in the land-bird department - is this first-summer individual a tardy late spring migrant or a failed breeder from elsewhere wandering ? A first summer male Sparrowhawk, that was originally ringed last October, put in an appearance having stolen an "oven ready" pullus from one of our Collared Dove nests. We don't often record Sparrowhawk here between mid-May & early August despite them nesting as near to us as Langer Park (although this individual is to immature to be nesting this year). A few more migrant moths are starting to appear with 2 Bordered Straw and the first double figure catch of Diamond-backed moths of the year. Of greater note, however, were 2 Marbled Clover as this Red Data Book species has only been previously noted here before in 2005. Ringlet photo above is possibly the first one ever to have it's picture taken at the bird observatory although this one is obviously a bit shy !

11 birds ringed: 2 great tit, 2 chaffinch, 2 linnet, 1 chiffchaff, 1 blue tit, 1 whitethroat, 1 pied wagtail, 1 starling.

Thursday 26th June 2014

11 Common Scoter went south & a dozen Swifts north. Loads of baby birds about including a fresh brood of Lesser 'throats in the Holm Oaks. We can still only see one baby Little Owl out & about but we live in hope there are more hidden away somewhere - unless this one has eaten his siblings whilst growing up. Botanically the place is quite superb at the moment with insects a plenty across the entire site.

24 birds ringed: 5 pied wagtail, 5 greenfinch, 4 linnet, 3 goldfinch, 2 dunnock, 2 house sparrow, 1 whitethroat, 1 great tit, 1 starling.

Wednesday 25th June 2014

Bird wise a bit of a mid-summer doldrums sort of morning with migrants non-existent. The juv Skylark from last week is still with us - hopefully it will hang around to encourage recolonisation of the site as this species has not bred here this century. The local pair of Peregrines are still regularly seen but are very much part of the scenery these days so barely get a mention. Ringlet butterflies are now being noted in the observatory area as well as the top left hand corner of the reserve which is indicative of a slow but gradual colonisation of the site.

5 birds ringed: 2 Linnet, 1 Wren, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Great Tit.

Tuesday 24th June 2014

Heading south 4 Curlew & a Grey Heron with a Sand Martin heading north. Still getting plenty of baby birds although catching a new first-summer male Song Thrush is a bit more unusual - presumably it's one that has failed to attract a mate that's going walkabout & ending up down here. Whilst on the Song Thrush theme the three pairs at Landguard are now churning out second broods. The moth traps are currently very busy with large numbers of moths of c.125 species per night. Very few migrant moths are about so it was a surprise to find a Bedstraw Hawk-moth in the top trap - previous site records are of one in the 1980's and singles in 2012 & 2013.

16 birds ringed: 7 linnet, 3 greenfinch, 2 song thrush, 1 blue tit, 1 chaffinch, 1 goldfinch, 1 magpie.

Monday 23rd June 2014

On the move offshore 80 Common Scoter north in one group & two groups totalling 40 birds heading south. Those heading south appeared to be all drakes with the more distant group heading north probably the same. Also heading south 13 Curlew, 9 Common Tern, 2 Barnacle Geese & a Gannet with 5 Sandwich Tern north bound. Apart from this it's baby birds with many species appearing to be having a productive season. Finally a Southern Hawker is the first of the summer.

10 birds ringed: 2 Great Tit, 2 Greenfinch, 2 Song Thrush, 1 Blackcap, 1 Linnet, 1 Blue Tit, 1 House Sparrow.

Sunday 22nd June 2014

Little of note to report as we end Spring and  await the start of Autumn passage. The only interest today was a couple of dispersing young Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap . Offshore 13 Sandwich Terns were moving through close inshore. The Glossy Ibis seen briefly at nearby Trimley Marshes failed to fly over Landguard airspace despite across the river towards Harwich.

Ringing today totalled 17 birds,  1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Great Tit, 1 Dunnock, 1 House Sparrow, 2 Linnet, 2 Greenfinch, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Magpie, 1 Starling and 5 Meadow Pipits(pulli).