Friday 23rd January 2015

255 Cormorants flew out to sea this morning (counts have been lower recently), 2 Great-crested Grebe went south & 3 Brent north. 2 Skylarks over the reserve departed south and a Firecrest was seen on the "icky" ridge late morning. Regular visitors to the site have commented on the sand inundation over recent years following the "sea defence" works up the town. Apart from having tons of wind blown sand choking the beach what is also apparent is the spread of Marram grass. Formerly present in just one clump on the boundary of the two halves of the reserve Marram grass has spread in this area to double it's former extent and has moved southwards in little clumps along along almost the whole length of the beach. What was formerly a globally important shingle beach is changing to a sandy covered area with Marram which is getting big in places with more sand building up around it. Late news concerns a Goosander flying south in the afternoon.

Ringing: 1 greenfinch