Friday 2nd January 2015

Mild winter weather makes things a tad tedious & doesn't tend to produce much in the way of migrants. 4 Fieldfare here briefly are today's migrants plus a Carrion Crow coming in off. Is this crow a migrant or one that just had a jolly out to sea and was just seen coming back in ? Starring out to sea very poor - once you have seen the 172 Cormorants heading out plus them changing position on a regular basis in the distance offshore then it's down to a grand total of a mere 6 Brents south & a Great-crested Grebe north in a couple of hours observation which is a very poor return indeed for the effort put in. Very few seagulls & Kitts about at the moment with divers and auks non-existent at present. Only 1 Collared Dove about behaving as if it's mate is nesting so just got to get the enthusiasm to locate it.