Monday 19th January 2015

It was sad to see a JCB clearing the scrub inside the dock fence half way down View Point Road this morning. Many of you will know it as the site where Britain's ninth ever Spanish Sparrow went to roost each evening. More importantly the 120 or so House Sparrows that have been roosting here will have to go to bed somewhere else tonight. Over the years the Port of Felixstowe have been clearing up what they consider to be "waste" ground across the entire dock and it has been a surprise that this area hasn't been cleared earlier. On the plus side at least it has been done in mid-winter and not when all the Linnets, and other species that have been utilising this quiet area, are nesting. Not a lot else to report this morning with single Stock Dove & Fieldfare on site plus a Greylag Goose flying inland.