Saturday 31st January 2015

3 Snow Bunting still on beach. Next to nothing going past despite cold and flurries of snow. As an indication of how little has been on the move offshore comparing a quick tally of this January with last January's figures then  in 2014 Red-throated Diver 899N 534S (2015 31N 3S) 2014 Shelduck 7N 342S (2015 9N 53S) 2014 Wigeon 14N 342S (2015 50N 82S) 2014 Teal 5N 210S (2015 0N 5S), 2014 Great-crested Grebe 4N 22S (2015 1N 5S) 2014 Guillimot 31N 91S (2015 Nil seen). Other waterfowl numbers have also been pathetic this January compared with last. Although we all say that "there's not as many birds around as when I was a lad" and we do enjoy a good moan and whinge - let's face facts in that there are less birds around and starring offshore has been particularly tedious. Plenty of Cormorants going offshore to feed but other pelagic fish eaters are just not present this winter.

Ringing: 1 wood pigeon