Sunday 25th January 2015

Heading south single Great-crested Grebe & Curlew plus north bound 4 Shelduck & 3 Brent. Apart from that it's the usual birds in the usual places as the weather is not conducive to bringing much change at the moment. Whilst trying to read seagull rings in the car parks it is notable that Pied Wagtails dive in for a few crumbs as well - it's only in recent years that Pied Wags have been noted regularly at Landguard in the winter months which is quite possibly linked to milder winter weather plus good juvenile productivity in the breeding season. Another possible reason is the fact that since one of our members retired they are not getting fed as frequently in the vicinity of Shed 70 in the docks as they were in the past !

Ringing: 1 greenfinch, 1 goldfinch.