Thursday 22nd January 2015

Spot the Firecrest. Surprisingly there were actually two Firecrests associating together on the Icky ridge mid-morning that then drifted south in to the observatory compound. We did see a Firecrest back on the 14th by the Butts pond but it is basically a bit odd why they are turning up at this time of the year as this species is not known for mid-winter movements. Neither bird is ringed so they are not birds from last autumn that have been skulking on site unseen. Bizarre ! Also of note were 3 Fieldfare, 5 Mipits & a Lapwing on the reserve with 5 Turnstones & 3 Snow Bunting on the beach. Starring offshore still a waste of time with just 10 Wigeon, 3 Brent & 2 Shelduck heading south.