Sunday 15th February 2015

2 Goldcrests in the Holm Oaks were unexpected. One of these birds is wearing a ring with the other not. The last Goldcrest seen here was in early December 2014 and as they were regularly calling to each other I don't think we would have overlooked them since then. It's a bit early for spring passage to start in this species so have they been wintering somewhere nearby like the grounds of Custom House or around Adastral Close ? Either way it is not thought that they have come far. The 2 Firecrest that turned up in mid-January have not been seen since the 27th so maybe these Goldcrests are a bit like them that were suspected of just wandering down here from not to far away. On the other hand all our theories on crest migration times could possibly be incorrect and they do migrate in the winter ! A couple of Mipits were wizzing around over the obs this morning is a more expected time for spring passage to get going in this species that regularly starts towards the end of February following mild conditions. Also on the move this morning several small groups of Barnacle Geese heading south totalling 100, 20 Brents out then north, 17 Shelduck heading out & a single Greylag going south. Mr & Mrs Peregrine are well established and will get down to business soon - they are a lot easier to photograph than Goldcrests as they sit still in the open.