Sunday 22nd February 2015

More signs of spring with 3 Rock Pipit around the point plus the first new Robin & Great Tit of the year. The Rock Pipits will be returning to Scandinavia from where they originate and are of the race Anthus petrosus littoralis (but then again it is doubtful whether the nominate British race of Rock Pipit has ever occurred here). The first Robin of the spring is a tad early but it has been noticeable over recent days that several of the Robins that overwinter here have done a bunk as they depart for their summer territories. The first new Great Tit of the spring is dead on cue for the start of their spring wanderings. 33 Brent went out then north & the 2 Firecrest are back in the Holm Oaks. High tides have washed an impressive number of dead birds down river onto the back beach including 10 Pheasant, 3 Red-legged Partridge, 1 Curlew, 1 Common Gull & 1 Crow. Although "shoots" will loose birds onto the saltings that their dogs fail to find the high number of corpses would suggest that these are birds "dumped" as it can be difficult for shooting syndicates to find willing mouths for all the birds they kill and they often bury (or in this case dump) unwanted shot birds. We only have 20 previous Landguard records for Pheasant (including only 2 previous tide line corpses).

Ringing: 1 robin, 1 great tit.