Wednesday 25th February 2015

Chiffchaff on the Icky Ridge is exceptionally early with our previous earliest ever spring Chiffchaff being 1st March. Very few other migrants to talk about although a single Mipit went south & a Curlew north. The 2 Firecrest are still with us. Bulk of the morning spent repairing the Helgoland trap as with spring rapidly creeping up on us we don't want any escapees through any holes. Late yesterday afternoon finally got to grips with the Lithuanian Black-headed Gull that has been frequenting the Manor Terrace car park. No doubt when the information is sent off we will learn exactly what it says on the tin (or ring) that it was ringed in Lithuania ! Three other ringed Black-headed Gulls that had their rings read in the car park have all been ringed here with the oldest one done as an adult in January 1998 - but it still has a way to go to beat the oldest known ringed bird at just under 30 years old.