March Ringing Totals

A total of 215 birds of 24 species were ringed during the month. Compared to last year, it's been a better month despite it being a late spring and the continued wet and windy weather.

Woodpigeon  4 Starling  3
Collared Dove  2 Redwing 15
Sparrowhawk  1 Robin  17
Goldcrest  12 Black Redstart  2
Firecrest  5 Wheatear  1
Blue Tit  4 Dunnock  10
Great Tit  27 Chaffinch  9
Long-tailed Tit  14 Greenfinch  12
Chiffchaff 18 Goldfinch  2
Wren 4 Linnet  1
Blackbird  45 Bullfinch  1
Song Thrush  3 Grey Wagtail  3

Moth trapping has been very poor in March with a grand total of just 51 moths of 9 species caught. Roll on Spring!