Recent Recoveries

Grey Wagtail ringed here 4th September 2014 was photographed 48km away at Billingford, Norfolk on 15th March 2015 - ringed here as a juvenile she is now a female (well she was then but in juvenile plumage we didn't know it). The only way to explain this is as a youngster it went "walkabout" around East Anglian before settling in at Billingford presumably to breed. Willow Warbler ringed at Blanket Head Moor, North Yorks 17th July 2014 was controlled here 292km on it's way south on 31st August 2014. Female Sparrowhawk ringed here 23rd November 2014 was found dead in Harwich three weeks later. Robin ringed Hollesley Heath 5th September 2014 took 22 days to find the 16km here & Great Tit ringed also ringed at Hollesley Heath 28th September 2014 took 16 days to find it's way here. Finally a Herring Gull ringed 6th February 2010 on the rubbish tip 72km away at Pitsea, Essex was found dead on the riverbank on 3rd February 2015.