Wednesday 18th March 2015

Finally spring appears to have arrived, as the early morning fog lifted to reveal several grounded migrants. Both returning summer visitors and departing wintering ones. The first Chiffchaffs appeared with at least 10 on site, plus 5 Black Redstarts, several thrushes, including 3 Fieldfare, along with Redwings and Song Thrushes moving through along with 128 Starlings, at least 1 Goldcrest and also Corn, Reed and Yellow Buntings for good measure. On top of that 2 Woodlark were noted briefly before flying off high south, whilst offshore along with 3 or 4 Red-throated Divers, a full summer Great-northern Diver was reported to be flying north by one lucky observer.The Ringed plovers are starting to return, with 4 seen today, along with a Turnstone (above) feeding on the point.

11 birds ringed, including 5 Chiffchaff, 2 Greenfinch and 1 each of Goldcrest, Black Redstart, Robin and Chaffinch.