April Ringing Totals

A total of 410 birds of 27 species were ringed during the month. We had a decent spring passage and with 264 birds ringed last year in April, this year has been rather productive.  

Woodpigeon  5 Robin  13
Collared Dove  1 Black Redstart  1
Sparrowhawk  1 Common Redstart  2
Blackbird  14 Wheatear  20
Song Thrush  12 Nightingale  2
Chaffinch  4 Goldcrest  5
Greenfinch  9 Firecrest  7
Goldfinch  8 Willow Warbler  47
Linnet  49 Chiffchaff 71
Blue Tit  5 Blackcap  81
Great Tit  8 Garden Warbler  4
Long-tailed Tit  1 Common Whitethroat  15
Wren  11 Lesser Whitethroat  7
Dunnock  7

Moth trapping has been decent with a grand total of 222 moths of 26 species. Lets hope for warmer weather soon.