Friday 24th April 2015

Overnight mist and a south westerly wind throughout the night produced a decent arrival of migrants to the observatory this morning, continuing throughout the day.

Migrants included 1 Rook, 2 Jay, 1 Fieldfare (see above picture), 1 Yellowhammer, 11 Yellow Wagtail, 6 Wheatear, 34 Goldfinch, 56 Swallow, 3 House Martin, 9 Sand Martin,1 Brambling, 1 Whimbrel, 8 Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff, 8 Blackcap, 3 Common Whitethroat and 4 Lesser Whitethroat - a lovely spring days birding to be had.

Several butterflies around the observatory including Small White, Green-veined White and Small Tortoiseshell.

Ringing: 26 birds ringed this morning including 8 Blackcap, 6 Willow Warbler, 3 Linnet, 3 Chiffchaff, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Common Whitethroat, 1 Greenfinch and 1 Goldfinch.