Wednesday 13th May 2015

Still of trickle of Goldfinch's heading south presumably heading back to the continent are regularly sung at by this male that has taken up a residency here. Heading south so far today 61 Swallow, 23 Wood Pigs, 21 Goldfinch, 2 Rook, 2 Jackdaw & Cuckoo. Migrants in the bushes included a couple of Willows, Chiffs, Spot Flys, single Blackcap & Reed Warbler. A couple of Jays paid us a visit this morning whilst out on the reserve the numbers of Wheatears are starting to thin out as they head north. On the beach a nice group of 10 Sanderling & 2 Dunlin plus a Turnstone on the point. A male Orange Tip was at the north end (one was also noted at this end Sunday) - we don't see Orange Tips here very often despite them being as close to here as Langer Park.

11 birds ringed: 2 chiffchaff, 2 willow warbler, 2 linnet, 1 blackbird, 1 reed warbler, 1 blackcap, 1 spotted flycatcher, 1 jay.