Sunday 24th May 2015

It's the time of year in late spring where migrants are basically waifs 'n strays, odds 'n sods or laggards. In the latter department a couple of Chiffchaff & a Willow Warbler all had good fat scores so they are carrying enough aviation fuel to depart to pastures new. In the waif's 'n strays department a new male Chaffinch is probably a bird that has failed to find a mate elsewhere so has come here to give it a go much to the consternation of the two local breeding males who are feeding chicks at the moment and have better thing to do than drive off an interloper. The new adult female Robin on site is more difficult to explain and is presumably a bird that has been forced to move to pastures new against its will - a common cause of being forced to move at this time of the year is building "development" so if your home is bulldozed you don't have a lot of choice but to move. A handful of hirundines & Goldfinch's are still going south with a Skylark very high south overhead either a wandering adult or a dispersing juvenile at this time of the year. A Turtle Dove is with us but as this species is a late migrant then birds are often still passing through at the end of May & early June. Finally a Cockchafer was hiding under one of the moth traps - when a lot of us were a lot younger than we are now they used to be abundant but we are lucky to see one these days.

14 birds ringed: 6 linnet, 2 chiffchaff, 1 willow warbler, 1 chaffinch, 1 robin, 1 greenfinch, 1 starling, 1 turtle, dove.