Tuesday 19th May 2015

Strong west south west winds and heavy showers put an absolute halt to bird migration today along with many other aspects of observatory work.

Our local Blackbirds have failed to breed and rear any young so far. A couple of youngsters up the North end of the Butts appears to be it with the drought, then cool conditions resulting in the adults failing to produce the goods. No young Song Thrushes or Robins have been noted as of yet, as well, presumably due to the same reasons. It doesn't look like it's going to be a bumper year for juvenile productivity for many species.

A small group of 4 Swift and 2 House Martin went South along with 9 Goldfinch.

A grand total of 4 moths of 3 species were caught in our 3 moth traps this morning and no birds were ringed during the day.