Tuesday 26th May 2015

A total of 502 Brents went out then north this morning departing for the far north to breed. Turtle Dove is still with us & a fine male Black Redstart in the fort moat is possibly the same one as a couple of days ago. New migrants in today include 2 Blackcap, Whinchat, & Hobby. Heading south still were 28 Swallow, 3 Goldfinch, 2 Swift, House Martin & Yellow Wag. A control Robin trapped this morning was also caught here exactly 12 months ago on 26th May 2014 having been originally ringed 305km away at The Fleet, Dorset on 22nd July 2013 which is presumably at, or near, it's natal area. Why this individual should choose to visit us on the same date two years running at this time of the year when Robin spring migration should be finished is, basically, bizarre. Finally this Grass Snake was in the pond keeping it's beady eyes on us.

8 birds ringed: 3 starling, 2 ringed plover, 2 linnet, 1 greenfinch