Friday 26th June 2015

Another 51 Curlew, 3 Oyks, male Ruff & a Fulmar went south offshore. We don't see many Ruff here but this one will be coming into the UK to moult as will the 3 Lapwing on the reserve first thing that have moved in from somewhere like the Low Countries before heading inland. Talking of moult then the 13 Shelduck that headed straight out to sea first thing will almost certainly be British breeders off to the shallow seas on the Waddenzee, off the north-west German coast, for their annual regrowth of nice new feathers. On site a single Siskin paid a brief visit & a handful of Swifts were feeding over the reserve. An odd site for the time of year was a distant Crow heading south well out to sea. After a warm sticky night the moth traps are certainly picking up - today's featured moth is Barred Yellow which have started becoming regularly noted in recent days.

18 birds ringed: 7 greenfinch, 4 linnet, 2 robin, 2 dunnock, 2 goldfinch, 1 great tit.