June Ringing Total

A total of 432 birds of 26 species ringed this month which is almost identical to last June's total.

Starling 135 Reed Warbler 5
Linnet 88 Wren 5
Greenfinch 61 Pied Wagtail 4
Dunnock 22 Chaffinch 4
Great Tit 17 Coal Tit 2
House Sparrow 17 Collared Dove 2
Goldfinch 14 Spotted Flycatcher 2
Blue Tit 11 Ringed Plover 1
Robin 10 Willow Warbler 1
Wood Pigeon 9 Whitethroat 1
Blackbird 8 Marsh Warbler 1
Chiffchaff 7 Nightingale 1
Blackcap 5 Magpie 1