Sunday 7th June 2015

Male Red-rumped Swallow stayed around the observatory giving stunning views from 1035 to 1050 ish was a pleasant surprise and was even heard calling. Grounded migrants typically in short supply but included both Reed Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher. Also noted 5 Swift, 3 Little Egret & a Jackdaw north plus 6 Swallow, 2 House Martin & Swift south bound. A couple of House Martin also came in off. A Buzzard & a Kestrel were soaring high over this end of the docks mid-day. Small Heath put in an appearance for the first time this year and in the moth traps another Small Mottled Willow this morning. Of greater note than the above was the finding yesterday afternoon of the first site record of the day flying "Nationally Scarce" Epichnopterix plumella on the Butts. Have we overlooked this in the past ?

Ringing: 71 birds ringed today including 64 Starling, 4 Linnet, 1 Dunnock, 1 Great Tit and 1 Reed Warbler.