Wednesday 24th June 2015

Sandwich Terns like the one above, are still being seen regularly, they are probably failed breeders from elsewhere along the coast.

The south-westerly wind is hampering any late migration, so the best we can hope for are returning birds heading south for the autumn. These included Blackcap and Chiffchaff along with a Siskin, Sand Martin and 3 House Martins south, plus a Hobby chasing the Linnet flock first thing. Offshore 28 Curlew went south along with 1 Fulmar, whilst 3 Gannets went north.

The first Essex Skipper butterfly of the year was noted.

Only 11 birds were ringed today.  3 each of Linnet and Greenfinch, and 1 each of Starling, Goldfinch, Pied Wagtail, Blackcap and Chiffchaff.