Saturday 11th July 2015

On the move southbound 41 Swallow, 29 Swift, 18 Siskin, 4 Curlew, 3 House Martin, Heron & Oyk. This is the first reasonably sized Swallow movement of the autumn but what on earth all the Siskin movement is about over the last couple of weeks is open to speculation. We normally get odd movements of very small numbers in the summer months but the recent numbers are unprecedented for the time off the year - are they being forced to move by food shortages or population pressure ?

Four-spotted Footman is a scarce immigrant only noted here in two previous years although the rigours of migration have knocked a small chunk out of the corner of one wing on this female. The White Satin moth below may also be a migrant although it is resident in some parts of the county.

3 birds ringed: 1 chaffinch, 1 greenfinch, 1 house sparrow