Saturday 25th July 2015

Unseasonally strong north-westerly gale and overnight rain & still very windy all morning is not what one expects at this time of the year. Starring out into the abyss produced south bound 258 Black-heads, 212 House Martin, 105 Swift, 51 Swallow, 36 Sand Martin, 28 Common Tern, 22 Common Scoter, 18 Teal, 16 Redshank, 13 Turnstone, 10 Oyks, 9 Dunlin, 6 Golden Plover, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Common Gull, 2 Knot, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, Little Egret, Tufted Duck, Whimbrel, Kittiwake & Med Gull plus north bound 22 Common Scoter, 6 Common Tern, 4 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Whimbrel & 2 Sandwich Tern. This is more than expected at the end of July presumably due to the weather which not only pushes migrants down to lower altitudes but deters observers from undertaking alternative activities. The House Martin numbers are exceptional for the end of July as most of this species don't start moving out until later in August onwards. 4 Sanderling & a Turnstone were on the beach with a Common Sandpiper towards the jetty. Moth traps were very poor & quite possibly the worst July night on record but hardly surprising considering the prevailing weather conditions.

Ringing: 1 greenfinch