Sunday 5th July 2015

Essex Skipper(top), and Small Skipper(below). Both these butterfly species occur on site, although Small Skipper has only colonised in the last 2 years. They can both be seen on the butts.

Very little bird wise, with 1 Chiffchaff on site and 1 Curlew, 1 Common Tern and an adult Med Gull offshore.
Insect wise it was a different story, due to the hot, muggy night, the traps were relatively full of moths. Highlights were Lime Hawk Moth, Sand Dart, Lunar-spotted Pinion, Lyme Grass, 2 Red-necked Footman and 1 or 2 scarce or unusual micro moths, such as Sciota Adelphella, Dioryctria Abietella, and a couple of Rusty-dot Pearls to name but a few.

4 birds ringed, they were 1 each of Chiffchaff, Blue Tit, Linnet and Greenfinch.