Saturday 8th August 2015

Bird wise quiet on the migration front with just a couple of new Willow Warblers on site plus a Yellow Wag heading south although several other migrants from recent days are lingering. Very few waders also noted on the move apart from 20 Oyks & 7 Whimbrel heading south plus a Redshank northbound. Frustratingly a shearwater was seen briefly offshore by four observers but it must have pitched in as it seemed to disappear off the planet !

Common Blue butterflies have had a fresh emergence in recent days and are now scattered across the whole site. Moth traps reasonabley busy including this Iron Prominent - a species we only note a couple of times each year.

10 birds ringed: 5 linnet, 2 greenfinch, 1 wood pigeon, 1 robin, 1 willow warbler.