Thursday 10th September 2015

The continued easterly winds produced just a few new migrants but nothing out of the ordinary, yet..

Migrants today came in the form of 3 Pied Flycatcher, 5 Common Redstart, 2 Wheatear, 2 Whinchat, 3 Willow Warbler, 3 Common Whitethroat, 5 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Meadow Pipit, 8 Chaffinch, 4 Goldfinch, 2 Siskin, 1 Goldcrest, 56 Swallow and 2 Sand Martin.

Sea watching produced 109 Teal, 43 Wigeon, 36 Brent Geese, 7 Common Scoter, 1 Gadwall, 1 Eider, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Oystercatcher, 1 Curlew, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Grey Plover, 1 Redshank, 1 Common Sandpiper, 19 Common Tern, 16 Sandwich Tern, 3 Arctic Tern and 3 Mediterranean Gull.

Ringing: 4 birds ringed during the morning including 2 Common Redstart, 1 Pied Flycatcher and 1 Willow Warbler.