September Ringing Totals

A total of 518 birds of 37 species ringed in September with several nice additions including the 17th Kingfisher to be ringed at the observatory and 4 Yellow-browed Warbler in four consecutive days.

Starling  8 Spotted Flycatcher  1
Blackbird  2 Pied Flycatcher  5
Song Thrush  8 Common Redstart  8
Redwing  2 Wren  6
Blue Tit  47 Dunnock  9
Great Tit  14 Robin  44
Coal Tit  2 Grey Wagtail  32
Long-tailed Tit  10 Chaffinch  10
Chiffchaff 86 Greenfinch  3
Willow Warbler  28 Goldfinch  7
Blackcap  80 Linnet  2
Garden Warbler  3 Redpoll 1
Common Whitethroat  8 G.S.Woodpecker  2
Lesser Whitethroat  6 Woodpigeon  3
Reed Warbler  2 Little Owl  1
Goldcrest  50 Sparrowhawk  2
Firecrest  8 Kingfisher  1
Meadow Pipit  10 Swallow  3
Yellow-browed Warbler  4