Sunday 11th October 2015

A day record for the number of Goldcrests ringed today with an estimated 130 on site. Brent Geese also on the move today with 1561 counted moving south. Other offshore movements include south bound 99 Black-headed Gull, 15 Teal, 6 Wigeon, 4 Shelduck, 2 Eider, 2 Common Scoter, Red-breasted Merganser, Oystercatcher plus north bound 4 Wigeon, 3 Eider, Red-throated Diver, Sooty Shearwater & Greenshank (i.e. take the Brents out then very little offshore). A few land birds were seen to come in off the sea including 3 Fieldfare & a Jack Snipe with a handful of Skylark, Siskin plus a Brambling heading south over the obs. In the bushes a selection of commoner mid-October migrants as evidenced by the ringing totals including 2 Firecrest and a handful of continental race Songies worth a mention (song thrush passage so far this autumn has been very poor).

Plenty of fungi around following the damp autumn including what looks like the first site record of Common Earthball Scleroderma citrinum.

123 birds ringed: 100 goldcrest, 7 robin, 5 song thrush, 2 goldfinch, 2 chiffchaff, 2 firecrest, 1 blackbird, 1 redwing, 1 grey wagtail, 1 chaffinch, 1 house sparrow.