Sunday 18th October 2015

Another half decent arrival of new birds today. Six Short-eared Owls along with those moving through in recent days is indicative of a good breeding season for this species. Migrants today included 80 Goldcrest, 55 Redpoll, 40 Robin, 28 Siskin, 25 Blackbird, 17 Skylark, 15 Swallow, 8 Long-tailed Tit, 8 Chiffchaff, 6 Song Thrush, 5 Redwing, 4 Blackcap, 4 Tree Sparrow, 3 Sparrowhawk, 3 Grey Wags, 3 Brambling, 2 Ring Ouzel, Grey Heron, Stock Dove, Mistle Thrush, Yellow Wagtail, Rock Pipit & Reed Bunting. A couple of migrant Dunnocks obviously passed through & we are still catching the odd new Wren & tits. Starring offshore about as exciting as watching paint dry.

101 birds ringed: 42 goldcrest, 14 lesser redpoll, 11 robin, 6 chiffchaff, 5 blackbird, 4 dunnock, 3 song thrush, 3 grey wagtail, 2 redwing, 2 blackcap, 2 blue tit, 2 wren, 1 sparrowhawk, 1 great tit, 1 long-tailed tit, 1 brambling, 1 chaffinch.