Sunday 25th October 2015

Clocks changed with a colder morning & less birds ! Worth a mention moving southbound 39 Goldfinch, 19 Skylark, 14 Wood Pigeon, 12 Chaffinch, 8 Greenfinch, 6 Linnet, 4 Swallow, 2 Siskin, 2 Redpoll, 2 Reed Bunting, Brambling plus 2 Woodlark that flew over the observatory and may have pitched in briefly on the reserve. Two Short-eared Owls were on the reserve most of the morning with one departing inland over the docks inland. Grounded passerines were thin on the ground but included the usual suspects for the time of the year with a very small number of new Blackbird,Goldcrest, Blackcap & Chaffinch on site plus a brief visit by 18 Long-tailed Tit.

10 birds ringed: 4 goldcrest, 2 wren, 2 greenfinch, 1 blackbird, 1 chaffinch.