Wednesday 14th October 2015

One of the 2 Tree Sparrows that are still around the cottage.

Goldcrests and Robins made up the bulk of the birds on site today, with at least 100 of the former and 40 of the latter. Most of the Thrushes that were on site first thing quickly moved on as it got light, with a Ring Ouzel, 8 Fieldfare, 29 Redwing, and small numbers of both Blackbird and Song Thrush along with 3 Brambling. and a Short-eared Owl briefly.
Insect-wise 1 Clouded Yellow was seen today.

65 birds ringed, 50 Goldcrest, 10 Robin and 1 each of Song Thrush, 1 Blackbird, Chiffchaff, Goldfinch and Blackcap.