Monday 16th November 2015

Another 419 Siskin & 331 Wood Pigeon headed south - the Siskins are a bit fast to have their picture taken so you will have to put up with some woodies. Also on the move 202 Goldfinch, 36 Chaffinch, 19 Mipits, 18 Linnet, 16 Stock Dove, 4 Redpoll, 2 Brambling, 2 Swallow & a Skylark. Getting late for Swallows but it's still silly mild for the time of the year so they shouldn't have a job finding food. New grounded migrants predictably scarce but included a Blackcap. A handful of Goldcrests are loitering on site as is a Short-eared Owl. Offshore movements pathetic.

3 birds ringed: wren, blackcap, chaffinch.