Thursday 26th November 2015

After a cold start the morning warmed up nicely into a sunny day, and the birding improved as the morning went on also, as this stunning adult male Waxwing, that appeared just before mid-day shows. Other birds of note were 61 Siskin south along with 3 Brambling, 2 Fieldfare and 8 Lesser Redpoll, whilst the Short-eared Owl again put in an appearance along the beach and butts.

On the insect front, this male Winter moth appeared in the moth traps overnight and, although common and widespread in Britain is exceptional at Landguard. Also a Red Admiral butterfly was seen around the Buddlejas at the southern end of the compound.

10 birds were ringed including the Waxwing, also 3 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Chaffinch,2 Blackbird, 1 Greenfinch and 1 Wren.