Wednesday 11th November 2015

This male Southern Hawker Dragonfly is possibly the latest ever recorded in Suffolk. It appears to be in very fresh condition, and so could have emerged early due to the unseasonably warm weather.

Good numbers of Finches were passing through again today, on their way south, they comprised of 430 Siskin, 278 Goldfinch, 98 Linnet, 40 Chaffinch and 1 Brambling along with 21 Lesser Redpoll which stopped off at the tapes near the net lanes. Also seen were around 500 Cormorant, most of which flew over having left their winter roost site at Trimley, on their way out to feed offshore. Apart from that, the Short-eared Owl was again seen hunting along the beach, and both Mistle Thrush and a very plump female Blackcap was on site.

18 birds were ringed today, they were 15 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Goldfinch, 1 House Sparrow and the above plump Blackcap.