Wednesday 18th November 2015

A Long-eared Owl(top)was found roosting on the icky ridge, whilst the Short-eared Owl was still present on the beach.

After last nights gales, there was a bit more about as the above pictures show, also seen today was a Swallow going south, along with 190 Wood Pigeon, 24 Siskin, 11 Meadow Pipit and 3 Lesser Redpoll on site. Offshore there was a Great-northern Diver and a Goosander going south(was this the same bird as had been seen over the last few days), whilst a day record count of 621 Cormorants was noted coming out from the roost upriver at Trimley. 

Ringing totalled 4 birds, 2 each of Chaffinch and Lesser Redpoll.