Friday 29th January 2016

Wind got stronger as the morning went on. A Black-tailed Godwit south just offshore is an odd record for the winter. Considering how many Blackwits winter on the estuaries just inland from us we only rarely see any here & those that we do are in the summer months. A Porpoise is also a good mid-winter record as most of them we see are at the warmer time of the year. Southbound this morning 255 Golden Plover, 13 Auk sp., 10 Brent, 7 Gannet, 5 Guillemot, 4 Red-throated Diver, 2 Pintail, Wigeon & Grey Plover with northbound 13 Red-throats, 5 Brent & Gannet with single Guillemot, Razorbill & Bonxie offshore. Most of the Auk Sp. heading south offshore also pitched in but with poor viz they eluded confident identification. Still plenty of seagulls about & at least one Goldcrest is still on site.

Ringing: 1 house sparrow