Friday 8th January 2016

A glorious sunny day, for a change with solitary Bean Goose going south then into Essex at 0745hrs being only our 11th site record. Not a lot else to report although southbound 35 Common Gull, 30 Golden Plover, 5 Red-throated Diver, 5 Brent, 3 Shelduck, Red-breasted Merganser & Gannet plus 8 Brent north. The Blacky above that is wintering along the "Icky Ridge" is interesting in that, not only does it have a few white feathers on the face and head, but it shows some "stockamsel" type feathers on the back and breast. If it stays to breed next year then we will know it's a local but if it goes in the spring then it may well be from the far north-east in Europe.

2 greenfinch ringed.