Recent Ringing Recoveries

Chiffchaff ringed Landguard 5th July 2015 retrapped 188km away at Reserve Naturelle De Somme, France 5th October 2015 - this bird was ringed as a youngster here so will have been born somewhere near here.

Blackbird ringed 398km away at Rhostryfan, Caernarfon 28th February 2013 retrapped Landguard 22nd November 2015 - presumably a continental bird wintering in Wales and just passing through here.

Blackbird ringed Landguard 9th November 2014 retrapped 258km away at Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands 6th January 2016 - presumably a continental bird caught here on autumn passage one year and wintering in Holland in a subsequent year.

Blue Tit ringed Landguard 22nd September 2015 retrapped 25km away at Wivenhoe, Essex 29th December 2015 demonstrating how young Blue Tits go "walkabout" in the autumn.

Lesser Redpoll ringed Landguard 25th October 2012 retrapped 35km away at Arger Fen, Suffolk 24th October 2015.