Tuesday 5th January 2016

Miserable morning weather wise did the business bird wise with only our 9th ever site record of Slavonian Grebe flying south offshore, pitching in, then continuing on it's way south. Quite why Slav Grebe is so rare here when they are occur up the river systems behind us every winter is open to speculation. Presumably they are mostly migrating at night and are experts at it. Also another 85 Little Gull went south with a supporting cast of 70 Brent, 41 Kitts, 17 Dunlin, 11 Teal, 10 Common Scoter, 9 Common Gull, 8 Black-headed Gull, 7 Wigeon, 5 Red-throated Diver, 3 Long-tailed Duck, 3 Oyk, 2 Grey Plover, Gannet, Shelduck, Knot, Curlew, Purple Sandpiper plus northbound 33 Red-throats, 6 Brent & 4 Common Scoter with at least another 32 Kitts and a Bonxie loitering offshore. Finally the Chiffchaff is still with us.