Wednesday 13th January 2016

It must be getting colder somewhere inland as two new British race Songies turned up, 29 Lapwing went south & a Marsh Harrier heading south offshore must have decided "enough's enough" and decided to move to milder climes. Also heading south 129 Red-throated Diver, 72 Common Gull, 11 Wigeon, 8 Kitts, 3 Brent, 2 Mallard, 2 Pintail & heading north 32 Brent, 12 Red-throats & 8 Common Scoter. 589 Cormorants went out fishing early on, Mrs Collared Dove is doing ok with her chicks despite the cooler conditions, the pair of Little Owls were sitting side by side, and, finally, the Chiffchaff is still here.

Ringing: 3 greenfinch, 2 song thrush.