Sunday 21st February 2016

After two yesterday, another Great-northern Diver flew south just offshore at 0735hrs before turning up river. Next to nothing moving offshore although 2 Guillemots were on the sea & a Gannet followed a ship in. A Great-crested Grebe was on the river immediately behind us. Plenty of gulls following ships including at least 2 Yellow-legged Gulls (adult + 2nd winter) and a few more Lesser Black-backed Gulls knocking about brought in by the milder south-westerly conditions. Jelly Ear is a common fungus on rotting Elder and was previously known as Jew's Ear or Judas's Ear back in the day when I was a lad before the politically correct brigade got there hands on it. Apart from the religious history behind it's name this fungi has a number of beneficial medicinal qualities and is also used in Chinese cooking as it has a wide ranging distribution.