Tuesday 2nd February 2016

229 Red-throated Diver north plus 34 south this morning is the best count for some while and suggests they are moving into this section of the North Sea. Also noted southbound 103 Golden Plover, 35 Guillemot, 16 Brent, 5 Gannet, 3 Grey Plover, 2 Oyk, 2 Razorbill & Shelduck plus north bound 9 Brent & 4 Guillemot with many of the auks pitching in offshore suggesting that some may have gone past, drifted on the tide, then gone past again to be counted more than once. Either way it is a decent auk count. 8 Linnet were the first of their kind for a while & Mr & Mrs Peregrine were flying around the cranes together. Wind increasing as the day carried on not conducive to gulls sitting still in the car park to get their rings read but this Pied Wagtail likes bread crumbs thrown out for the gulls.