March Ringing Totals

A grand total of 216 birds ringed in March consisting of 27 species. A slightly higher total than last year but very decent for the time of year and several early spring migrants ringed. Notable, includes the Reed Bunting (32nd ringed at the Obs) and a good passage of Redwing.

Blackbird  50 Wren  2
Redwing  39 Blackcap  2
Goldcrest  31 Willow Warbler  1
Chiffchaff 19 Black Redstart  1
Firecrest  15 Pied Wagtail  1
Song Thrush  11 Wheatear  1
Great Tit  8 Reed Bunting  1
Dunnock  7 House Sparrow  1
Chaffinch  6 Starling  1
Robin  3 Siskin  1
Blue Tit  3 Linnet  1
Long-tailed Tit  3 Sparrowhawk  1
Greenfinch  3 Woodpigeon  1
Grey Wagtail  3