Monday 14th March 2016

Cold north-easterly conditions is not conducive to much migration. A Red-breasted Goose heading south with a flock of Barnacle Geese is probably the same individual as seen a couple of weeks back. Very little offshore movement with south bound 30 Barnacles & 2 Brent with north bound 11 Gannet, 4 Brent, 4 Common Gull, 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Greylag & 2 Oyks. 6 Stock Dove went north low over the obs but very little of note in the migrant department in and around the site although the overwintering Goldcrest is still lingering despite several spring migrants of its kind having passed through the site in recent days.

Ringing: 1 blackbird, 1 song thrush