Saturday 12th March 2016

The first Chiffchaff of the spring turned up this morning along with a handful of new Blackies, a couple of Goldcrest & a few new expected odds & sods including 2 Redwing & Rock Pipit on the point. Fieldfare still on site but no reports of the Snow Bunt so far. Offshore 35 Barnacle Geese went south & 8 Brent north. Overhead 4 Mipit, 2 Skylark, Siskin & a couple of Grey Wags went south (one of which kindly dropped in). Later in the afternoon a fine male Stonechat was in the beach bushes and 3 Long-tailed Tits at the observatory. Montage of typical moths for the time of the year are Common Quaker, March Moth & Hebrew Character.

11 birds ringed: 4 blackbird, 2 goldcrest, 1 grey wagtail, 1 chaffinch, 1 dunnock, 1 robin, 1 chiffchaff